Welcome to the City Bikes clearance bin for all the overstock thoughts, rants, news items, and other idea fragments that we need to turn over. Check back often, as stock is refreshed frequently

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Reader's Choice

Thanks to readers who choo-choo-choosed us as the Washington City Paper Best Bike Shop. April is a very busy, and sometimes rather inordinately stressful, month. This gave us all a reason to smile, and again, thank you.

The editors chose Phoenix Bikes, a community nonprofit shop in Arlington, which nobody can quibble with, a huge congrats to them. I've never visited, but I intend to.

Anyway, both the honor and the City Paper's tagline for this feature ("This week we shun mediocrity") are pretty timely. We've been doing a lot of work in the past couple of years to figure out what we do well, and fix the things we don't do well. The partial result is our Vision and Mission statements (stop rolling your eyes, it's not total BS). Hopefully, you've also noticed a tangible improvement in the stores lately, and hopefully that helped lead to the honor.

There's always more to be done, though, and we have some plans to use the website and this blog to open our figurative windows to the sunlight. Shun that mediocrity. I'll hit on some of that in a subsequent post, because I'm starting to ramble. But in the meantime, the comment field is open for you to register either your congrats or complaints.

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