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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Camping in Mariola with the Breezer Itzy

My s.o. and I had to get out of the city this past weekend. The Breezer Itzies seemed to be calling us to load them up and head out to the hills. In the car, that is. The two bikes and all our camping gear fit neatly inside the boot of our diesel powered C3, thereby not hindering the fuel efficiency whatsoever.

In Mariola there are some narrow twisty one-lane roads that were alot of fun on the Itzy with its capacity for quick turning.

Having only one gear, the Breezer gang picked a good one that climbs well but also zips around town. And living on the fourth floor with no elevator, the 19.5 lbs that they weigh, along with how small they fold with space being at a premium, make for great incidental characteristics.

All in all, it was a relaxing weekend, good to be far away from the urban chaos, to breathe the mountain air, and to refresh our outlook.



free bike from catalonia !!!!

Erik Kugler said...

Epa Xavier, salut desde Alacant!