First item was from Surly, a ridiculously long toe strap, suitable for restraining prisoners or lashing things to a rack. They had a sign imploring grabby showgoers to not take one unless it would actually be used, so below is me using my Surly toe strap to haul the 10 pounds of vendor literature to the recycling station. Thanks, Surly!

Next, a nicely machined bottle opener from Thomson. My girlfriend gave away my Park bottle opener (a freebie from some other shindig), so I can now ween myself off of twisties. Thanks, Thomson!

Oddly, I got no t-shirts. But they did have arm warmers. Maybe they cut the sleeves off a long-sleeve shirt, gave them away, and the shirt remainders will follow at Interbike. Who knows. Thanks, Frostbike/Michelin!

Wool socks from DeFeet. I did not notice these in the bag until I unpacked at home, these might have come in handy that night at the Pugsley races. Thanks, DeFeet!

And here's some brake pads from Jagwire. I don't actually own a bike with road cartridge pads, so these will be regifted, but thanks, Jagwire!

Our Chevy Chase store manager, Nick, is quite the Europhile. Now, I may never approach his level of sofisticazione, but I can try, one comically-small sip of caffè at a time. Thanks, DT Swiss!

Finally, my favorite. A painter's cap from Belgian helmet maker Lazer. It doesn't even fit my stupid-large head. But look closely at the label -- "Lazer -- Since 1919". Before we examine this, let's see the pic:

So anyway, the 'Since 1919' assertion didn't quite ring true. The first laser was demonstrated 41 years later. It wasn't until the 1980's that marketers seized on the term as product-worthy, with such items as the Chrysler Laser:

...and American Gladiator "Laser":

Turns out, they really did start in 1919, as “Etablissement Lacroix”, maker of, "all fine leather goods for motorcyclists." OK. Thanks, Etablissement Lacroix!
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